An Equal Opportunity Offender


Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Can you spot the things done wrong?

The Inverted Bike Shop from Show Love on Vimeo.


  1. I was pretty upset with the continuity error of cutting the steer tube, then showing it long, then showing it short.

  2. They clamped the bike by the seat tube rather than using a dummy post.

  3. Krys is not in the kitchen?

  4. @adam.s I cringed when I saw that as well. Especially while also installing the BB and cranks! What are they, installed hand-tight?

  5. Yeah, all the cool lighting effects and expensive camera details made me want to buy an out dated piece of shit endorsed by douchbag hipsters. Those clowns couldn't even destroy a trail by skidding through the turns if they wanted to......

  6. I was waiting for Fred Armisen the entire time.

  7. There's no hispters in the video you fucking idiots. Just a good businessman who knows how to do something he loves and create a business with a bit of heart and soul for a change. If you don't like it you have no business there -fuck off back to Target.

  8. did not see a torque wrench being used on any component during the build process...not good :(

  9. Seat post, not seat tube was lubed. Instead of removing the stem's face plate, the bars were simply slid in behind it, which likely means that there is no grease on the face plate bolts.
